BUYcott Israel

One of the most effective responses to the effort by delegitimizers to organize economic boycotts against Israel is to encourage people to purchase Israeli goods. For example, when anti-Israel protesters picketed outside a store selling Ahava products, customers came in and purchased the entire inventory. Some Jewish Community Centers have also invited Israeli merchants to sell their wares at Israel fairs and similar efforts to bring Israeli products to North America can be made on campus. In addition, a number of BUYcott campaigns are already in full swing.
Buy Israeli Products Now – A Buy Israel campaign that began in New York

Buycott Israel – A Canadian Organization that offers tips for Buycotting Israel

Buycott Month – An international month to buy Israeli products

Israel-T– An Israeli company which sells clothing and other items.

Makolet Online– Israeli food products, chips, spices, cookies, etc. – A Web site featuring a broad range of Israeli products with 100% of the profits going to Israeli charities

BuyIsrael – BUYcott Israel’s Twitter account

Israeli Products/Plant a Tree

Amazon Has lots of Awesome Israel Products


Buy Israel Facebook PageA guide to finding and purchasing Israeli products

Buy Israeli Products Now Facebook Page

International BUYcott Israel Facebook Page

Canadian BUYcott Israel Facebook Page

UK BUYcott Israel Facebook Page